
Matteo Sperandio avatar image
Matteo Sperandio asked

Multiplus Grid-Tied

I'd like to use the Victron Inverter MultiPlus II 48/8000/70-50 in 12KW system DC Coupled with an MPPT 250/100. I need to grid-tie the system in Italy. I want to setup the following configuration:


All loads will be on the AC IN. So my questions are:

  1. Is it possible to setup this configuration and tell the multiplus II to supply loads with extra power coming from the panels?
  2. Is it possible to supply the loads during night by discarging the batteries and sending power to AC IN as needed?
  3. I read the recents posts about anti-islanding and CEI-021 however I'd like to know if there is any other update about GSE and usability of Multiplus II grid-tied in Italy?



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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi Matteo Yes. The system can do this and I'd recommend you familiarise yourself with the ESS manual, which can be found on the Victron website. Various options are available, but the system will first use solar to service all loads and then excess to charge the batteries. An external energy meter e.g. ET112 will be required to allow the MP to see the loads. All current certifications will be available on the Victron website under the products, but I cannot comment on it beyond that.

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w-sp avatar image
w-sp answered ·

Is there any new information in the meantime?

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