
rainerb avatar image
rainerb asked

VRM wrong "to grid" feed-in values

Hello, I have a Multiplus 3000, Venus GX, Fronius Symo6, Smartsolar 100/50, BMV712 and an external ET340 grid meter running a one phase ESS.

The VRM "to grid" value differs daily up to +1,6kWh compared to the grid meter value from the grid company. Usually the VRM values are too high - but not always.

Extreme example on august 6th (very bad weather):

VRM "to grid" shows 2.88kWh but the grid company meter shows only +1kWh grid feed-in and the grid company portal shows exactly 0.96kWh feed-in.

I also observed on this day that the VRM sum of solar production (VRM shows 8,30kWh) is higher than adding both values from the MPPT dashboard (1,16kWh) and the Fronius solarweb portal (6,42kWh).

So, where does the VRM gets the additional kWh solar production on this day? Is there a different calculation between VRM and grid meter company what "feed-in" is? ESS is set to "Total of all phases". I thought L1+L2+L3 should be very clear to calculate.

Is it possible that a negative grid setpoint leads to some kind of additional miscalculation?

Regards Rainer

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1 Answer
raulag avatar image
raulag answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.