
jay-123 avatar image
jay-123 asked

Combination of Pylontech US2000 and lead acid 48V (forklift) battery in a system with a multiplus and a smart solar charger

Hello togehter, Currently I use a smart solar 250/100 with 2x pylontech US2000 and a multiplus. We have a forklift that isn't in daily use. I have read that a combination of a Pylontech and a lead acid is possible. (parallel connection and connection just with similar voltage levels// SOC) Does anyone has experience with such a system? Could you help me with the correct values for the ESS voltage levels/Multiplus? Can I use the Pylontech BMS?

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1 Answer
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


I would not mix and match battery chemistries, they have different charge and discharge profiles etc.


Rob D


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