
iggi avatar image
iggi asked

MPPT 100/20 reads wrong battery voltages

Have had this system working for almost a year and last night noticed that the MPPT wasn't charging my batteries.

Current set up is 240w solar to MPPT then to victron Smart shunt and to 24v batteries.

Solar input today was over 40v confirmed at the solar breakers and at victron pv inputs. then batteries discounted from the mppt show 25v at the battery and at the two ends unplugged from the victron. once connected to the vitcron, solar off shows only 10v for the batteries, the smart shunt shows the correct 25volts. i have check the fuse and it ok. once its all connected the mppt software shows 28v that is the float, but the batteries remain at 25v and the smart shunt show no amps or volatge flow thru. i disconnected everything and connected it same issue.

Is there a hard rest, or something I have missed.


battery charging
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Post a screenshot of the mppts detailed history.

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