
scotty89 avatar image
scotty89 asked

Multiplus II GX restarts


since few days i have the problem that my Multiplus II GX (48/3000) is restating the internal GX unexpacted. Sometimes once a day some times 10 times a day, ...

I am logging some Informatione via Modbus for my Smarthome and there i can see that the system is gooing offline and reconnects.

i can also see on the Vitron it self that the Gx is restarting. the Critical loads still stay on.

i have checkt all i can and the maximum Battery Voltage is 57.4V.

Also the System was running the last year fine without an problem, the Only Change since some weeks is that we have connected some Critical Loads on AC out1.

System is up do date i also tryed the newes Release of the GX but same Problem...

My Shop / Support cant see any Problemin VRM...

has some one the Same Problem or is there any thing known ?

multiplus ve.bus
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3 Answers
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

I’m not sure of your problem but I had a Quattro restarting so perhaps it may be similar.

Here is my story.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @Scotty89,

The first thing to check and disable the feature "Reboot device when no contact"

In the VRM Portal menu of the GX device. Once that is confirmed to be off,

There is another known issue that sounds similar to what you're describing - please read this thread for more information -

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scotty89 avatar image
scotty89 answered ·


yes the setting is "correct" ... it´s off ....

for me it sounds like the same problem what you are mentions ...

so the HW needs to be changed ?

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