
ants441 avatar image
ants441 asked

Cerbo gx to BEP marine 600tg tank monitor

My motorhome currently has a BEP marine 600 TG with resistive sensors, fresh water and grey water. I also have BMV712 and mppt. And want to put in a cerbo gx, is there a way to use the BEP tank resistive senders. Do i need an interface between them

tank monitor
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


I suppose that you mean the BEP TS1 ultra sonic sensor.

Unfortunately you can't connect them directly into the Cerbo's digital or tank inputs. But it works very well with the GX Tank 140 (connected via USB to the Cerbo).

See also:

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