
leverg avatar image
leverg asked

12v power connector Cerbo


I,m looking for a 12v power connector for my cerbo. I,ve lost my original one as it seems. Gonna search for it once more , but I think I might have lost it. Is something like this a standard item which you can order somewhere ? Or is it a specific Victron part ?


cerbo gx
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

May I suggest to always first search the forum before posting as so many answers are already out there.

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leverg avatar image leverg commented ·
I did search on the forums, but I guess my search wasn,t good enough. But thanks for helping me out.
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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Is it the power cable? Or the connector blocks?

But first try would be your dealer.

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