
michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife asked

Which firmware is the right one to download betwenn group 433 and 459?

Hi everyone,

I went through other posts on the forum but I couldn't figure out the answer:

My Multiplus 48 3000 says 2622413 an on I find 2 different newer firmwares that fit the description of what I should use to update: 2622433 and 2622494. Which one should I use?

I have a pylontech 3000US battery if that might be important to know.

Thank you

firmware update
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Always use the latest version. At the moment it is 494.

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michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife answered ·

ok, thank you. I do that then. I don't understand why those other older ones are there, it is confusing....

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michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife answered ·

Installed and config imported again. Everything seems to work all fine. Anything to be looking after just in case?

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