
offroadflow avatar image
offroadflow asked

How to figure out which inverter is for what phase (three phase)


How can i figure out what inverter is what phase in a three phase system (3x 48/5000/70?

I have full remote access.


3 phase
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2 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Use VE configure to blink the led's on each inverter in turn, this will identify them. However, this is normally a local procedure, I don't know if it can be done remotely.

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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·
In this case I'd have to shut down the whole system in order to do so, right?

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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow offroadflow commented ·
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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

No, a shut down is not necessary to do this.

you will need a Mk2 /3 interface and the software, then you can flash the leds on a particular inverter to identify it.

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