
troll67 avatar image
troll67 asked

Easysolar II GX with BYD the solar charger doesen´t charge. If I made a brige at the remote of the solar cahrger it is charging. Why it is not charging, if the cable is at high connector at the solarcharger??

I have an easy Solar II GX and a BYD LVS Battery. the solarcharger dosen´t charge the charger say switch of of remote. If I open the Easysolar and go direct to the solarcharger, 250/100, I can take out the connector at the h l port and i give there a short cut, then it is charging. so I think the charger is fine. is it correct, that this one wire must be at the high connector? what can be the problem, is there a mistake in the settings? or is anything defect?

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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There must be a bridge at H and L connector otherwise the charger is disabled.
Alternatively a high signal goes to H terminal or low signal at the L terminal is needed to enable the charger. If you are not using such signals, then simply place the jumper wire connector in the H L port.

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troll67 avatar image troll67 commented ·

of cause we need the signal, to swithch the charger off when the BYD battery is full, but the signal is there and the battery is only 75 %, so it should load, but it dosen´t load. So the question is why we get the worng signal. is there any wrong settings

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

That wire/signal has nothing to do with the ATC signal from the battery.

It is just connected parallel to the power supply of the GX module and is switched on/off with the ON/OFF-switch of the EasySolar.

Please check again if the signal is connected to the correct connection, there was a batch of EasySolar-II 48/5000 with a miswiring.


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troll67 avatar image
troll67 answered ·

So it was correct that this was a fault. Thank you very much for your brilliant support, everything is working very fine.

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