
rodolphe-yonnesolaire avatar image
rodolphe-yonnesolaire asked

How should the 2 LG batteries (with a resu plus) display on a CCGX ?

Hi, I connected 2 LG Resu 10 with Resu + on a Multiplus 5000 and the PACK1 battery (selected on Resu+) is visible on the CCGX ... But is this normal to see only 1 battery...

What are the conditions to see the PACK number change on Resu+ ?

Can we see the 2 batteries SOC on the screen of CCGX ?

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1 Answer
Andrew Burnett avatar image
Andrew Burnett answered ·

It will only display one battery on the CCGX as the RESU Plus combines them into one.

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