
tieole avatar image
tieole asked

Multiplus II 48v with LG Chem LI

I have been trying to get the MultiPlus to work with the LGBattery with out success all morning.

Following the instructions in the Victron & LGChem whitepaper, I set the VEConfigure ESS assistant and the CGCX.

When I turn on the Multiplus I get an low battery error (the battery is at 51,9V). When I plug in the grid, the charger and bulk lights turn on, but the battery does not charge. I see the grid and the energy needed for the Multiplus comes from the grid, but does not charge the battery.

I am lost on where to go from here.

Multiplus-IILG Chem RESU
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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

It may be possible to get this working, but I want to note the ONLY MultiPlus that is tested working with the LG Chem is MultiPlus 48/3000/35.

This is different to the MultiPlus-II.

So what you are trying to do is untested and unsupported by both LG and Victron.

Does the battery charge when you change mode to Keep Battery Charged in the ESS menu on the CCGX?

Regarding low battery warning lights on ESS systems, you may wish to read here:

How can I suppress low battery warnings?

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tieole avatar image tieole commented ·

Yes. With the keep batteries charged the grid charges the LI batteries. But still the inverter only turns on for 3 seconds when the inverter is started, then goes to low battery and the inverter light switches to off.

On the CCGX the Low DC voltage alarm is set to Alarm only.


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tieole avatar image tieole commented ·

I spoke too soon. After 20 minutes on charge the Inverter is on. But the low battery is still flashing. A great advancement.

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lopezjm2001 avatar image
lopezjm2001 answered ·

Do you have a shortcut for the Victron & LGChem whitepaper? I could not find it. Thanks.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

Hi @tieole Are you using the correct comms cable? Also, which LG as I have had my RESU10 working just fine on both MPII 3 & 5KVA. If you have not seen the Victron guide, something is probably amiss.

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