
Lyndsay Cotton avatar image
Lyndsay Cotton asked

Cerbo (Multiplus/Quattro) 3 Wire Generator Connection- how?

Hello everyone.

My generator has a 3-wire stop start connection as follows.

Close wire 1 and wire 2. This has a 12v potential and effectively turns the ignition on.

Then I pulse wire 3 - this starts the genny..

To turn off the genny I cut the connection between wire 1 and wire 2

How does the relay output 1 on the Cerbo work?

Can I close NO-Common (wire 1 and wire 2) on relay 1 and pulse NO-common on relay 2 (wire 2 and wire 3)

Advice sincerely appreciated.

cerbo gxGenerator
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

you have to work that out yourself the ccgx device just closes a relay that tells you the gen needs to start. on a cerbo that relay has a NC and a NO relay - so you have to work it out from there

there are many different ways to do this, use timers or buy a generator control interface.

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