
danidlaus392 avatar image
danidlaus392 asked

Victron mppt charger and other charger paralell

Hello people, I have a victron mppt 250/100 charge controller in operation. The problem is that my modules don't fully charge the batteries in winter. So I would like to simulate a power failure depending on the voltage of the batteries and thus start a generator automatically, which then charges the batteries with a charger connected in parallel. Is it technically possible to do this without damaging the mppt charge controller? Does the charge controller recognize the voltage at this moment and switch off? Can a short circuit occur when charging in parallel
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1 Answer
baxter avatar image
baxter answered ·

Should work

"Connect a DC Battery Charger in Parallel with a PV on a SmartSolar MPPT 100/20 Charge Controller - Victron Community"

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