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southsideph asked

SmartSolar MPPT 100/30 + Orion + MPPT 100/20 Thoughts/Advice


I have been running a SmartSolar 100/30 in the camper van for a while using fold away/portable Solar Panels. These have worked well but unless the vehicle is static, you can only really benefit from for morning and evening sun. While the vehicle is in motion the batteries are charged using the Orion-TR Smart.

Made the decision to provide a fixed solar panel to the roof of the camper. This raises a couple of questions:

1) Is there a risk (Noting other threads) of the batteries being over charged by the combination of 100/30 and Orion-TR, charging batteries simultaneously? Sun permitting

2) The wiring for the portable solar panels is still in place (too much hassle to take it out). So I thought about adding a SmartSolar MPPT 100/20 to supplement the fixed solar when it is practical to do so? Assuming it will not cause any issues (choice of 100/20 is due to space limitations) only.

3) Nice if the Orion-tr, could use V.E. Smart Networking

Thoughts please,

MPPT SmartSolarorion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Which Orion?

What battery/ies

If the chargers are set correctly, then overvoltage not an issue

If total charge current greater than allowed by battery maker recommendations, yes.

Can you avoid the extra MPPT by wiring differently?

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