
Luke Rhodes avatar image
Luke Rhodes asked

MultiPlus II constantly tripping input breaker


I’m in the middle of a multi plus ii install and I’m hitting an issue with the input breaker constantly being tripped.

This is a van install with the Grid Code set to “None”. It’s using 230V 50HZ AC.

Here’s the issue:

  • When there’s no AC input, the inverter works.
  • When there’s nothing wired to the AC Output 1 then the charger works (even if the inverter is turned on)
  • When the AC input is connected to shore power, and the AC output is connected to an RCD, the charger trips the external AC input breaker.
  • Charger stops of course, inverter continues

I’ve reduced the AC1 Input Current to 4A to ensure that it’s not attempting to draw too much current.

There’s no VE.Bus errors (i.e. no code 8, 11 or any other)

The Multiplus firmware is up to date.

In terms connections:

  • Multiplus is grounded to Lynx Distributor
  • Lynx Distributer is grounded to the van chasis
  • AC Input is connected to shore power with RCD
  • AC Output 1 is connected to an RCD and nothing else (currently)
  • AC Output 2 is unused
  • AC Input and AC Output have no connected neutrals/earths.

I feel like I’ve tried everything, any ideas? Could it be that the RCD on the output is broken somehow and causing an issue with the multiplus?



Multiplus-IIbattery charging
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2 Answers
Luke Rhodes avatar image
Luke Rhodes answered ·

Some progress...connecting without the AC Out 1 RCD stops the AC Input RCD from triggering.

The output RCD is 10A/30mAh RCD:

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Luke Rhodes avatar image
Luke Rhodes answered ·

I tried another RCD (Built into a 4-gang board) and everything was OK.

If anyone can see anything inherently wrong with the RCD I linked it'd be much appreciated, it wasn't cheap so I don't want to replace it with the same if it's going to fail again.

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