
magicmike avatar image
magicmike asked

Cerbo GX generator relay. (Start Stop button / ATS) connection.


I've installed cerbo few days ago.

My question is about generator relay, I have everything set up in setting but now,

My ats is 5 pin, but I have start stop system aka push button that is under 12v and just wondering before I burn something;

Can I just connect NC wire from cerbo to push button relay board that is in generator? On push button board there is one wire that activates system to start and stop generator.

(Technically looks like and works like cheap car start stop button)

cerbo gxGenerator
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

This we cant answer as its really upto the generators connections, The cerbo relay is just that a relay that opens and close's, nothing more or less

so connecting it is really upto you (saying this from what you say it should work fine, but its entily at your risk).

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