
machined avatar image
machined asked

3 MPPTs connected to Cerbo will not show Networked

I have a Cerbo with 3 MPPTS connected to it with DVCC on. When I go into the Cerbo under Networked Operation for the MPPT they all say No for Networked. I have them all connected via VE Direct. They are not in VE Smart Networking group. I have rebooted the Cerbo, unplugged the VE Direct cables and rebooted the MPPTs. Still can't get them to network. What am I doing wrong? They don't seem to be syncing correctly.

SmartSolar 150/70 firmware 1.59

SmartSolar 100/50 firmware 1.59

SmartSolar 100/30 firmware 1.59

Cerbo GX - running firmware 2.72 and tried with 2.80v11

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

I dont think that "networked" is applicable for your mppt's.

I have a similar system with DVCC and mppt's are running standalone.

screenshot-2021-08-16-12-34-02-3891.jpg"They don't seem to be syncing correctly."

What problem do you have?

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machined avatar image machined commented ·
If I have DVCC on and Smart Networking off, then they will go in different charge states. If I have Smart Networking on and DVCC off then they work correctly.

Also, not sure why mine (and yours) wouldn't be able to be networked. They are the newest versions running the newest firmware and other people with similar models will show networked.
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rslifkin avatar image rslifkin machined commented ·
With DVCC and no smart networking they can in theory end up in different states, but with shared voltage and current sense via DVCC and the end absorb target being based on amps, I don't find it to be an issue with my MPPTs. They're operating standalone, but they always switch from bulk -> absorb -> float at pretty much the same time (certainly within less than a minute), as they're working based on the same voltage and current sense values.
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jimmyb1 avatar image
jimmyb1 answered ·

Same Problem. Following

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