
palu3492 avatar image
palu3492 asked

BlueSolar PV wattage reporting 0.0 watts

I'm working with a BlueSolar MPPT 75/10. I'm using the VE.Direct Protocol to read the register data via USB. Over VE.Direct, the BlueSolar is reporting my PV current and wattage as 0.0. The BlueSolar Mac app reports the same. My multimeter is reporting PV current at 0.04 Amps at 18 volts, making the wattage 0.72. The BlueSolar does agree on the 18 volts. The datasheet for the VE.Direct Protocol shows that current is reported in 10ths. Is the BlueSolar rounding down the current measurement to 0.0 from 0.04? The wattage is reported in 100ths. Why is wattage not reported as 0.72? Is the current being rounded down to zero before the BlueSolar multiplies voltage times current and thus making the wattage 0.0? Thanks.

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

This current is so small, its below what can be measured to some degree of accuracy.

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palu3492 avatar image palu3492 commented ·

How is current rounded? is 0.04A rounded down to 0.0A and is 0.06A rounded up to 0.1A?

Is current rounded before calculating wattage?

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ palu3492 commented ·
I don’t know sorry.
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