
dowallin avatar image
dowallin asked

Pairing smartshunt to iPhone 12

I can’t get my new iphone 12 pro to pair with my Victron smartshunt. My iphone 7 worked flawlessly. My new phone asks for a code obtained from the smartshunt. I’ve tried entering the default PIN from the smartshunt (000000) which I’ve never changed. I’ve also seen posts indicating that I should enter the PUK code, not the PIN, but the PUK is an alphanumeric, but the iphone only lets me enter numbers, not letters and numbers. Help!!!

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

follow the procedures to reset the password on the shunt as you may have changed from the standard password some time in the pas. and then see how you go.

----- from a past post) ----

in order to reset the PIN you must enter the PUK code of the device, which is to be found on the back of the display head separate from the device serial number but on the same sticker, usually listed underneath the serial number in smaller characters. It will say PUK: followed by a long alphanumeric string that must be entered into the app.

Once you correctly enter the device PUK code, the PIN will be reset to default, and after that then you can connect to the device and set a new PIN of your choosing.

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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·

Also from a different post

Apple has changed the message shown in the pairing dialog but it works as previously. Just fill in the PIN code. Default PIN code will only work if you've never changed it. If you don't remember the PIN code is is possible to reset it to default:

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