
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett asked

Pip3 missing from opkg list

Following the warning about the impending upgrade to python3 with 2.80, I upgraded a test system (2.72) with python 3. Fairly strait forward, apart from having to tweak some of the Victron packages. However, pip3 is missing from the python 3 install ( could do with a python3- group- install set too), and I ended up installing some modules using setup tools. Any Ideas as to when 2.8 will be available for testing?

Venus OS
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1 Answer
jeroen avatar image
jeroen answered ·

It is available in the testing feed since about the time of the message. You are warned though, the feeds is called testing for a purpose!

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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·

Thanks Jeroen. However, I just ran opkg update, followed by opkg list and still don't see this:-


pip is there for python.

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jeroen avatar image jeroen ♦ Mike Dorsett commented ·

See ,testing is a stage in our develop cycle, intended for people who know what they are doing. It is intended for running on your desk, it may say boom, explode or anything else and it is up to you to send a fix for it.

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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett jeroen ♦ commented ·
Hi Jeroen, That's ok, and thanks for the reference. I just wanted you to be aware that pip3 wasn't in the package list. Main reason for trying python3 was a bug in some hardware, The software for this hardware runns under python3 in Raspian, and I wanted to make sure the problem I was seeing was hardware related and NOT related to running under python2.7.
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