
hollywood avatar image
hollywood asked

Mppt100/50 only stays in bulk mode And rarely gets to absorb or float

Hi I have a victron mppt100/50 only 6 months old

Had issues with this since new- this system has no load connected as recommended by your reseller. After 3 months and some free camping it became a major issue not charging correctly and running out of power.

I have just replaced solar panels 2x200 watt panels and also have 2x120=640 watts . Also 2 new AGM 120 batteries lead acid flooded and appeared to operate Bulk, absorb and float when plugged into 240 volt power. But not when free camping with a 2300 watt invertor and a BMP pro charger all items we checked by 2 electricians and can not find any fault ??? After major costs !

Last 4 days free camping in direct sunlight still has not moved my Victron out of bulk except for 1 day but not float- my wife used washing machine is the reason battery level was down on 1st day and haven’t used since.

I am beyond briefed this system is running like this and discussed with other professionals- can you help please as I am hoping there is a tweak in settings. Can you advise accurate settings for this system which I am sure others run - thank you

I have
a also changed the setting from 14.7 to 14.4 for absorb with no luck


88fdbf03-ba73-4335-abe7-1a602306131a.pngImage Caption

mppt charging
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Hollywood ,

as can be seen from your history screenshot, you're using a lot of power every day and your batteries discharge a lot, sometimes even beyond of what your batteries are capable of delivering. See min Battery Voltage. And when you look further at max Battery Voltage, your PV power is unable to re-charge your batteries during the day.


  • decrease your loads
  • get more PV
  • and look after your batteries! They don't like to be discharged that much and they will not last very long if you continue to discharge them like you do now.

Your Victron MPPT is doing fine.

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hollywood avatar image
hollywood answered ·

Hi during the screenshot over last 2 days nothing has been on during the whole day at all so I am still looking for an answer . Only device on during the day is compressor fridge and Tv watched for 2 hours- Tv only draws 12 amps- thank you

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell commented ·
Has it got a lot hotter lately, is the compressor fridge running more and taking a lot more power over the day. If so that could easily tip the balance between power consumption and production.

How are your panels connected and what are the specifications of the panels, if the maximum power points of the 200W and 120W panels are not matched then you will not be able to harvest maximum power from both panels simultaneously using a single controller.

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