
afk314 avatar image
afk314 asked

DVCC via Venus - Temp settings?

Hi, I'm going to add a MultiPlus and a Venus to my existing BMV 702 and MPPT setup. One goal is to cut charging at 30 degrees - from any source. I see that DVCC will handle my needs for charging but I don't see a way for the Venus to control cutting the charge via a temp sensor. How best to configure both the MPPT and the MultiPlus to not charge?

Lithium BatteryDVCC
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

You would need to add bluetooth dongle to the MPPT and the BMV 702 and then a Smart bluetooth battery sensor. You may also have to install a USB hub so that extra VE direct items can be connected. to the venus

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boekel avatar image boekel ♦ commented ·

-How is a bluetooth dongle to the MPPT going to help?

-How is a smart bluetooth battery sensor helping? he already has a BMV 702

-How can you use temperature to control charging? (can you set the BMV relay to switch on temperature maybe?)

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