
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett asked

unresolved d-bus question

Building on the work of Louis van der Walt with his d-bushelper, I'm left with 2 boxes in the Venus Remote Console that don't seem to be picking up the data:screenshot-from-2021-07-09-08-34-10.png

The Boxes in question are the two preceding Min and Max cell temperature. does not provide the answer - infact makes no reference to the min and max cell temperature signals. (Min and max cell voltage Id's are also not referenced in this document - so it's probably out of date.

signals are provided by :

self._dbusservice.add_path('/System/MinTemperatureId','None' , writeable=True)
self._dbusservice.add_path('/System/MaxTemperatureId', None, writeable=True)

which are provided with values elsewhere in the program. These values are being sent as verified with dbus-spy.

Can any one assist with the correct names for these signals please?

Venus OS
2 |3000

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