
jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary asked

Feature Suggestion for Venus OS

A failure got me thinking today,

We had the coms fail between the DMC panel we use to control the 2 multis on this particular install. This means the panel no longer operates in GEN mode but operates normally of course. a pain as the install is on a boat 800 miles away from me and the idea of the panel is that it can't be set to overload the generator!

I was wondering if the same functionality as the DMC could be built in to the GX device.

The GX Device, when there's no DMC panel, can control the AC current limit so why not allow the current limit to be set by the Software condition of the generator control relay feature in Venus.

I could then do away with the DMC panel completely and would simplify the wiring.

I know I could wire up so the GX device tells the multi to start the generator but that's quite an involved install and a lot of assistants which might prove difficult to explain to someone else!

Venus OS
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I would also like to see a way to tell Multis which have only one AC input whether the source is shore/grid or generator. This functionality exists in Quatro which has an internal transfer switch, but for Multis, the transfer switch must be external. Many RVs already have a shore/generator transfer switch. So having a digital input to GX that could identify "on generator" would allow separate current limit settings for shore and generator.
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jwfrary avatar image jwfrary Kevin Windrem commented ·
Yes it would be great but I guess the answer is we should have bought quattro
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