
marv21 avatar image
marv21 asked

How to rename / change the Name of a Device in Panel Overview

Hello together,

iam new to Victron and have read the manual. But i coulndt figure out how to Name Devices in the Panel (Display / Remote Console).

I read here and it seems it wasnt possible 2019. Is this still a thing in 2021? :)

I gave the Devices custom names (right on the device and under device set a name), the Name is now correctly shown in the Device list - but on the Overview its still "PV Charger" "PV Inverter".

How can i change it there?

Thanks a lot


cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Currently there is no way to change the names on the GX device displays, unless you use a third party display addon ie Kevin Windrem screen updates, this may then display the names for you

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