
modian avatar image
modian asked

Cerbo Tank Sensors not present

A friend of mine has a Problem with bis tank level sensors. The connection issue is only on the 1st and 3rd connectors, on 2nd and 4th the sensors works fine but the same sensors doesn’t work on 1 and 3 connection.

Firmware is 2.72

Does anybody have an idea to this Issue?

cerbo gx
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Paul B avatar image Paul B commented ·
were they working before on a prior fw version and if so what version

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modian avatar image modian Paul B commented ·
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Are all the analog inputs turned on under settings IO

then under the device have all the settings for 1st and 3rd been setup,

Some screen shots of ALL the settings would be of help



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