
mocat avatar image
mocat asked

Connecting Cerbo to iPhone help

Hi trying to connect iPhone 12 to Cerbo, dosent seem possible it’s showing in my App along with the BMV-712 and my Solar controller I can connect to them fine but not the Cerbo ?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Bluetooth needs to be enabled on Cerbo and you need to set a PIN. The default is 000000.

Note that there is currently a bug that prevents a PIN starting with 0 from working. E.g., 012334 or 001234 don't work.

There's not much you can do from VictronConnect however. But you can link to Cerbo's standard GUI through VRM if that is set up.

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mocat avatar image
mocat answered ·

Hi Kevin I seem to be able to connect via Bluetooth and then it hangs up on this screen ????

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mocat avatar image mocat commented ·


As above

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At the moment, this is all the information VictronConnect will show. Using the settings cog wheel in the upper right corner it is possible to change the network settings of the Cerbo.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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