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brett62 asked

Help with building my boat system

Could someone please check out what I have decided to install in my boat and tell me if I am on the right track or some advice? The following is a list of equipment and what I am trying to achieve. I am absolutely no expert in this field and is why I am asking. Phoenix Multiplus 12/2000 inverter, Blue smart IP67 charger 12v/25 amp, MPPT 75/15, DC/DC Orion-Tr-smart 12/12-30 Charger and a Cerbo GX connected to my MFD Simrad evo3s. I am building a LIFEPO4 battery bank which consist of 2 x 200amp with BMS for each (not sure what BMS as yet) this is for the house and a LA crank battery for the motor. I do have a solar panel on the hard top but don’t know the capacity. I have shore power connection also. The multiplus will only be charging the house bank and the smart charger will be for the crank battery as I want total control over the charging of the house bank as I don’t want them stored fully charged. The multiplus also recognizes shore power when connected or disconnected. The solar I would like to connect to both the house and crank battery if that’s possible. I do want to know my amp draw and soc for the batteries. I am not sure what shuts or any other equipment I would need also.

cerbo gx
2 |3000

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