
galatea avatar image
galatea asked

Cerbo GX burned out

I have a cerbo that has been installed on my boat since last September. Two days ago my wife noticed our FM radio flashing. I started checking to see why and noticed touchscreen was not working on the cerbo. I checked the cerbo found it hot and smoke coming from it the fuse is not blown. I have not changed anything in my circuits. I did have to unplug my multiplus from it to get it to charge my lithium battery and invert the multiplus seems to be working fine. Any ideas as to what happened? I have ordered another cerbo to install and sending the old one back for warranty I am planning to keep it as a spare. Is there anything I should check before installing the new cerbo?

Thanks for the help.

cerbo gx
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Unless the unit was installed in a very hot or humid place or somewhere where condensation could form inside,there is not much else you can do wrong to cause such a failure.
I think your situation was down to misfortune and the warranty claim was the best route to take.

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