
Herb avatar image
Herb asked

Cerbo GX can’t see Victron MPPT Charger

Hi, I bought a Cerbo GX few days ago, all is fine except that it doesn’t show MPPT charger (150/35). It sometimes shows it as a DC Power. I also have the BMV in this setup and I can see it on device list. Any ideas what could be wrong?

cerbo gx
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8 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Try a different port or try to use the cable from the BMV for the MPPT.
So you can figure out if the port or the cable are defective.

Can you see the MPPT via Bluetooth with the VictronConnect App?

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Herb avatar image Herb commented ·
You are spot on! I swapped the cables around and problem solved. Thank you so much!
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Herb avatar image Herb commented ·

I think this issue with the MPPT disappearing and appearing must be a bug. I don’t think it’s a cable issue. I get this a number of times per day.

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michelg avatar image michelg Herb commented ·
A wrong contact between the connecter inserted into the mppt and itself. It happened to me.


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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Do you have an VE Direct cable hooked up between the mppt and your Cerbo?

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Herb avatar image Herb commented ·

Yes I do, sorry I forgot to mention that. I bought two cables. One for the BMV and the other for the mppt

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Herb avatar image
Herb answered ·

My apology, I forgot to mention that I also have the direct cables for the BMV and MPPT hence I can see the BMV.

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uenpia avatar image
uenpia answered ·

Check if one of the pins in the VE.Direct port in either the MPPT or the Cerbo is bended.

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Herb avatar image
Herb answered ·

I am really struggling with the MPPT not showing up on Cerbo GX, @Matthias Lange - DE would you be so kind to have a look at my installation?

Thank you in advance.

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Petar Maksimovic avatar image
Petar Maksimovic answered ·

How long are the cables, and is there any inverter on the DC?

I have bad experience of cheap inverter killing all communication on CCGX when turned ON.

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Herb avatar image Herb commented ·

I have 2 x 1,8m cables. One is for BMV and the other for MPPT. My installation is made up of Victron products namely:

Multiplus 48/3000 50amp

1x Victron 150/35

1 x BMV

Cerbo GX

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Herb avatar image Herb Herb commented ·


This is my setup

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Herb avatar image
Herb answered ·

I have been monitoring my MPPT 150/35 charger for over six months now, the issue of the mppt disappearing and re appearing has nothing to do with lose cable. This is the sequence of events:

1. Once it disappears, I go to setting of the Cerbo GX and refresh the device list and delete the the MPPT

2. Refresh the page and exit from there onwards the MPPT reappears again.

My setup is as folllows:

Victron Multiplus 48/3000-35/50, Cerbo GX, 4x Shoto 200AH batteries in series, 3 x Victron battery balancers, Victron MPPT 150/35 rev 2 and they are all on latest firmware.

Surely this has to do with the software, I look forward to hear from other forum users.

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johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith answered ·

I have the same problem Using ve direct my Mppt disappear from the cerbo GX and the VRM.

Victron please fix this issue.

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