
allaboutsolar avatar image
allaboutsolar asked

Connect to Cerbo 50metres away

What is the best way to connect to a Cerbo 50m away with a Phone running Vic Con App

Site is off grid , no LAN, no WLAN, no internet connection. Will install touch Screen at system.

Trenching and cabling of power yet to be done so Cat 5 cable can be run.

If I connect to the LAN network port of a wireless router to the ethernet port of the cerbo, should that create a WLAN which I can then connect the phone to even though there is no internet.

From other responses here sounds not happening having the touch Screen 70m away?

Other alternative can I plug the cerbo ethernet port directly into a laptop or tablet without a router. Not the prefered outcome as I would need to supply such tablet. But I would like to know if it would work.

Apologies this is probably networking 101.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Connecting the Cerbo over an ethernet cable to a wireless router would be a good option. A telephone withing wireless range of the router would then be on the same subnet as the Cerbo and you'd be able to browse directly to the IP address of the Cerbo using the telephone.

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allaboutsolar avatar image allaboutsolar commented ·
Thanks for the quick response, so using a browser and find the ip or using Vic App. Vic App would be simpler for client.
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allaboutsolar avatar image
allaboutsolar answered ·

The router solution was successful with the cerbo ethernet port connected to one of the LAN ports of the router we were able to connect to the system with the clients phone wireless. Next time I might investigate EOP (Ethernet over Power) but reports say this tech a bit sketchy.

Oh and we didn't bother with the touch screen, just used the wifi access remote console on our/clients smart phones

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
POE is pretty good, but all devices must support. We ran IP desktop phones using it without problems. Not sure about distance, though.
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