
abucas01 avatar image
abucas01 asked

Cerbo GX Relay #2 behaviour during a reboot

I have an issue with the operation of relay #2, during a reboot of the Cerbo GX

I am using relay #2 in a 2 way switching arrangement to turn a Webasto hot water heater on/off (allows me to do this remotely).

So a relay 2 state of 'ON' can still mean the heater is off (by the 2nd switch).

I noticed tonight when doing a reboot (due to a Wi-Fi issue) that the relay switches 'OFF' during the reboot phase - thus turning the diesel heater ON, then when the reboot is finished the relay turns back 'ON' (ie returns to previous state), thus turning the heater back off.

Why can't the relay hold the 'ON' state during a reboot?

I am running v2.66

What's Victrons view on this?

cerbo gx
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Bejan Catalin avatar image Bejan Catalin commented ·
Hi @abucas01, I'm trying to connect one webasto airheater to the Cerbo, can you please help me with a schematics or just what cables to connect to Cerbo RELAY ?

And also please tell me if the problem with the short start of the Webasto got a fix after a software update?

Many many thanks?

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1 Answer
Fabio De Pascale avatar image
Fabio De Pascale answered ·

Hi all
I wanted to reopen this thread as I actually would like to have this same behaviour as a feature :)
we use an external VSAT modem for connectivity, and at times it disconnects and requires power cycling to reconnect.

We thought of using the reboot on lack of connection feature to cause the VSAT modem to power cycle, too, by connecting the relay #2 output to the remote control of the (Phoenix) inverter that powers the VSAT.

Has anyone confirmed that the relay indeed turns off momentarily during reboot?


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