
micki57 avatar image
micki57 asked

Can I use ABB UNO-DM and Pylontech at CCGX?

My system: ESS with Multi-II by VE.Bus on CCGX (current firmware), Pylontech US2000B by VE.Can on CCGX, EM24 by USB on CCGX. My almost 20 years old PV-Inverter is displayed on CCGX by the Victron Current sensor.

I will in future reduce grid feed-in to zero.

For my system it is the best, when I can use one ABB UNO-DN-2.0 TL-Plus-B-Q on Output1 of the Multi-II. Herefore it is needed that the PV-Inverter is be regulated. When I use the ABB UNO DM-COM Kit, it use RS485/Modbus. But it is not possible to use the VE.Can on CCGX, because of the Pylontech.

What is the best way for connecting ABB UNO PV-Inverter on the CCGX? Is ist able to use the second VE.Bus-Connector or the Ethernet-Connector. I will don´t use a wireless-system because of the radiation.

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micki57 avatar image micki57 commented ·

Supplement to my question:

Is it possible to use the free second USB-Port with a FTDI USB-RS485-Adaptorcable (the same which I use for the EM24)?

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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·


This is unfortunately not possible as long as your PV inverter does not properly respond to frequency shift.
The regulation can only happen via this method.

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