
armstead81 avatar image
armstead81 asked

Orion Smart 12v 30A isolated not charging properly

Hi guys, I'm in trouble with my Orion smart 12v 30A isolated. My system includes a Victron lithium battery 200 amp, a solar MPPT 100/30 and a Phoenix inverted. From yesterday my Orion started to go in absorption, without going in bulk charge first and whilst the battery is around 13.2V. Whilst driving, I can reach a 13.25 in absorption but when it goes in float, it drops to 13.05v. When I checked Victron connection, the Orion output was at 14.2v but the battery and the solar were both showing a level around 13.05v. Why does Orion behave like that? And what could the problem be?screenshot-2021-05-31-20-09-00-478.jpeg




MPPT Controllersorion-tr smart
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @armstead81

The instant jump to Absorb state suggests the charge wires have lost connection to the battery. Hopefully you have a multimeter to easily check where the voltage difference is occuring - fuse, isolator, terminals, etc..

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