
eyub avatar image
eyub asked

viewing color control data on a tv screen

hello guys,

we are a Victron dealer in Iraq and we have installed a Victron system in our showroom so I am seeking a way that I can show the color control data on a tv screen of the showroom I know I could download the VRM app if I had a smart tv or if I connect the TV to a tablet but I am wondering that there might be a way to transfer this data from the color control by cable or something like this,

I think we can do this with the cerbo gx , instead of using it is gc touch 50 screen we connect the cerbo gx to another screen or TV , am I right ?

CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There isn't a way to get the display signal out of a CCGX, you'd have to use a CerboGX to do that.
Otherwise you'd have to use a tablet connected to the TV like you already suggested.

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