
Mike Casey avatar image
Mike Casey asked

Sending Pulse to relay on battery charge/discharge kwh

Hi guys, I am hoping to send a pulse to a relay for an external piece of software to monitor total power in and out.

Is there an easy way to do this via a digital relay on the Cerbo or could I do this by a relay on either the battery monitor or the Quattro? If so, how would I go about configuring such a pulse?

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
Phil Gavin avatar image
Phil Gavin answered ·

Hook up 2 Venus pulse counter inputs from a bi-directional meter with discrete import/export pulse outputs.

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Mike Casey avatar image Mike Casey commented ·

Thanks, and how do I configure the pulse itself? Or is there a default ones available out of the box for input and output to batteries?

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Phil Gavin avatar image Phil Gavin Mike Casey commented ·

There are already pulse meter inputs on the Venus device.

They are set up to count pulses from liquid flow meters. If you get your head around a kWh actually being labeled as a kilolitre. Then just set up the meter pulse constants accordingly.

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Phil Gavin avatar image Phil Gavin Phil Gavin commented ·

Are you talking about AC import/export? Or DC from the batteries?

The meter to which I am referring is AC.

VRM has also recently included a few previously unavailable measurands, perhaps your needs are already being met?

I think I have misread your question, do you want pulses to be read outside of VRM, on the DC side?

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Mike Casey avatar image Mike Casey Phil Gavin commented ·

Yeah I specifically want it from the DC side for this government grant I have been awarded. I need to be able to take out the power in and out of the battery so in DC format. This figure exists within the VRM software, you can see it live. I am hoping to pulse it out via one of the digital relays so it can be read from an external device.

In this case its a centrica bridge monitoring device that needs to read it.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

What Phil is talking about is a way for Venus to count pulses from another device via one if it's digital INPUTS.

I think you are asking about the opposite: get a Venus output to pulse so you can count those pulses on another device. This functionality isn't available

There are however many different ways to get information out of Venus. I'm not well versed in these but they are: ModBus TCP, NMEA 2000, MQTT, command line interface to dBus. Then for the "large" Venus software, Node Red and Signal K.

You can learn more about the large Venus images here:

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Phil Gavin avatar image Phil Gavin commented ·

Yes, I was.

My suggestion will still hold true, to provide pulses to any external unit. however, it is an AC solution. I have never seen a DC solution.

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