
ndl avatar image
ndl asked

Multiplus II - VE Bus Error 11

Good morning All

I have seen that this error has appeared quite a few times with other guys but with no definitive answers about what to look for. I installed the inverter this weekend and switched it on last night. About 6 hours after switching it on it switched off AC1 with the VE Bus error 11.

I have just updated my Venus device to be able to get the detailed log/code of the error and this is what I got.

Does anyone have any more info with specific items that I could look out for.

Thank you in advance

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4 Answers
Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·

Need to check the earth and neutral bonding and phasing are correct, it only does it on start up and self test mode, nothing to worry about, just clear it under notifications and it all is OK.

As i have a the same unit which does it now and again when self testing etc. I have good bonds on earth and neutrals are correct. etc still does it now and then when i shut the system down and restart. I just clear the notifications and all is fine again.

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ndl avatar image ndl commented ·

I will check the bonding and earth again tonight to make sure it is not something with this. Mine was after the inverter was on for about 6 hours (probably a self test at that stage).

Do you perhaps know anything more about the PE2 Closed error description. I would think this has something to do with the earthing and bonding for AC2 but since this is essentially just a through pass it doesnt really make sense that this would cause the inverter to go into a fault mode.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi @NdL, welcome to community.

Looks like you already found v2.23; see yesterdays blog post for details about it:

And for details on the error you are seeing, see here:

It includes that error.

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ndl avatar image ndl commented ·

Thanks for the response @mvader (Victron Energy Staff).

I saw those articles and initially believed that all my wiring was correct as I dont have a floating neutral and all my earths are properly bonded. I managed to find the problem last night after discussing with the dealer I bought the unit from. And as per the first point in the article it was a wiring issue.

Some feedback if anyone ever reads this again. I did not see this clearly indicated in the manual but the neutrals of the AC in, AC 1 and AC 2 should not be connected anywhere.

My main DB has two rows of which I used one for non essentials and the other for essentials supplied from an earth leakage.

My AC1 and AC2 from the inverter were both connected to the main neutral bar in the Main DB. From this neutral bar I had a neutral wire connected to the neutral of the E/L.

The problem was solved by moving the AC1 neutral directly to the E/L to ensure the AC1 and AC2 neutrals are not connected



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ian-ash avatar image
ian-ash answered ·

Hi, I am banging my head over my error 11. I have had my multi plus 2 working great for 3 months. Went on holiday so I switched it all off for a week but now I have switched it on that's when I got error 11. Following all your discussions on wiring etc so at the moment all I have connected is the AC in but still faults. Updated firm ware to 2628459, do not know if this is related to the 455 update? But still faults. Someone said they needed a reset, not sure how. After find this reset and if it still faults what next.

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Hi @Ian Ash,

if following the advice of MVader didn't help, best to get support from your dealer / distributor / installer:

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Daniël,

Thanks for your comment, I had a chance tonight to have another look at my fault and good news I have found out why it faults but why I am not sure yet. It only faults when my solar inverter is generating electric at the time I switch on the multiplus 2. I know there is a set distance of free space for cooling when fitting the multiplus 2 but is there a set distance from other appliances to prevent any EMI like the amp clamp.



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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ ian-ash commented ·

Hi @Ian Ash
where is your PV inverter connected? do you have a (simple) diagram of your installation? and pictures of the wiring?

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I will take some pictures tomorrow when I get home from work and show you.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Pictures taken but I am trying to send them.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

Inverter and batteries

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

Wiring at inverter. 6mm cable.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

Solar inverter opposite to battery inverter 2 meters apart.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

Both solar and battery inverter have their own separate conduits to fuse board.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

Consumer unit 4 meters away. Neutrals are connected to the neutral bus bar.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

Both share earth block connected to fuse board where that is connected to the earth stake.

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash ian-ash commented ·

It is a separate building that has 12 solar panels on the roof with just the two inverters inside. The idea is to create my own charging station for a EV vehicle. The house is about 20 meters away with another 12 panels and inverter.

I will try fitting a separate earth stake for the battery inverter and see if that makes a difference.

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Hi @Ian Ash,

Please have a local Installer / electrician check your system, and if all wiring is up to local spec.

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tyronmarais avatar image
tyronmarais answered ·

Hi all. As soon as I switch on AC I get a v e bus device alarm #11. And the inverter switch is off with inverter and bulk flashing on and off and float on permanently

What could cause this

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ian-ash avatar image ian-ash commented ·

Hi I could only get my error to clear by switching off my solar inverter. I could not find any reason why.

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ndl avatar image ndl commented ·

Good morning Tyron. Are you 100% sure the earthing and neutral of your installation is correctly connected.

Essentially any load that will be supplied from the inverter must only be connected to a dedicated neutral bar of the inverter with no bypass connection to your main neutral bar. You supply a neutral to the inverter and from the inverter you should have a neutral to a bar in your main DB. This neutral should not have any connections to your main neutral bar and should be used for any loads that will be supplied from the inverter

After sorting my neutrals out correctly in Feb I think I have had another 2 or so Alarm#11's which occurred randomly. But directly after this the Inverter rechecked and switched over normally.

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie ndl commented ·

This error 11 can be just random event, as i don't worry about it much any more.

Just clear the error notification and away we go again.

If it it didn't it every time i would check the earth and neutral system.


Rob D


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