
mrn3ff avatar image
mrn3ff asked

Bluesolar vs Smartsolar MPPT.. what am I missing?

I’ve got a single 100Ah (Battleborn lithium) and the Smartshunt. I need a solar charger and am wondering if I need the Bluetooth version (Smartsolar 100/30) or if I can get all the information and make configuration changes by simply connecting the Bluesolar MPPT to my Smartshunt with a VE direct cable?

Are there other pros or cons to one setup vs the other?

MPPT ControllersMPPT SmartSolarmppt charging
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You can't connect the MPPT and the SmartShunt together via

To setup and get tht live data's of the MPPT you should buy the SmartSolar.

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