
hyboot avatar image
hyboot asked

Should I upgrade my quattro?

Hi, I have a quattro 48/8000/110-100/100 with firmware version 2654206. Currently, I suffer from the shore current limit which is too high (11A) because in some harbors the sockets are limited to 6A.

Should i upgrade to the latest 4xx version? Will this solve my problem? Shall I get more advantages?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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5 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Hyboot

Firmware won't solve this. It's actually listed at 10.5A for both new and older firmware.

A workaround might be to disable PowerAssist, and you'll then be able to set a lower limit. But no PowerAssist then. How well that works if you applied a heavier load, I can't say.. never tried it.

You could also limit battery charging in the Quattro, and that might help avoid any power 'surges'.

If you sign in to Victron Professional you can look at the firmware changelogs. If you updated you'd likely go to the 4xx series, and the latest there is 2654482.vff. Victron don't particularly encourage VEBus firmware updates, but they do now have updates via VRM if you have a suitable GX device.

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hyboot avatar image
hyboot answered ·

You are right saying that in charger only mode, I can set the limit to any value. But this only limits the current used to charge. When I draw an AC power larger than the limit, then the limit does not operate any more, and the charger stops, and all the power is drawn from the shore power, which of course leads to the breaker tripping.

A solution would be to be in charger only mode, set to a 6A limit, but when I draw more power, set automatically the limit to zero so as to avoid the shore breaker tripping, and draw the current from the battery only (inverter mode), until the load is sufficiently reduced to set the shore power limit to 6A again.

Is there a means (through an assistant, for example) to define such a behaviour?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·


If you have a 6A limit set and you're charging, then the charge should drop sufficiently to allow the load to be passed through up to a total of 6A. So I think you already have what you're suggesting. Just no PowerAssist if your loads go over 6A..

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hyboot avatar image hyboot JohnC ♦ commented ·

Did you try? I did. If I select charger only, and set the limit to 6A, and I use a load that draws 16A, then this load is directly drawn from the shore power, instantly tripping the breaker. This is why I would like to remain in "on" mode, but set the shore limit to 0 as soon as I need more than 6A. Is there a way to do this?

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hyboot avatar image
hyboot answered ·

So there is no way (assistant for example) that would allow me to program my Quattro to set the shore current limit to 0 when the load is greater than 6A, and to set it back to 6A when the load is lower?

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Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·
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hyboot avatar image
hyboot answered ·

Very interesting, thank you. First, I have a question : the assistants are exclusive of the smart switch. Currently I have an assistant that controls the charger using an input contact driven by the BMS of my lithium battery. If I want to use the smart switch, can I keep this assistant?

if not, I suppose I need to add more assistants to perform the function I need, which is :

If the shore current limit is set to 11.0,

[ then if the AC load is more than 1300W, set the shore current limit to 0

else set it to 6 ]

else do nothing.

Can you give me a hint?

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