
Tony Jones avatar image
Tony Jones asked

Remove unused tanks etc from Cerbo GX display


The question seems to have been asked a number of times, but can't find the answer.

I specifically want to remove AC CURRENT LIMIT, AC MODE and the WATER entries on the right of the attached image.

Can anyone tell me how to make this happen.



cerbo gx
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

For the Tanks under setting then IO then analog inputs then disable all tanks this should then remove them.

for the AC current limit under settings then Display & Language then turn OFF Show boat and motorhome view

This should do the trick for you



1621599358596.png (9.3 KiB)
1621599393715.png (18.3 KiB)
1621599524599.png (17.7 KiB)
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Tony Jones avatar image Tony Jones commented ·

Thanks very much, Paul B. Much appreciated. :-)

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