
elea avatar image
elea asked

Does Venus OS demo on RPi MQTT broker work ?

Hello all,

I installed Venus OS 2.66 on a rasp3b. I set the demo mode (eg. boat) and the MQTT services on. I tried to get Mqtt payload via a mosquitto_sub command from my pc but got nothing. So, to be sure can somebody confirm whether demo modes actually simulate the MQTT broker ?

many thanks for the reply

Venus OS
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2 Answers
elea avatar image
elea answered ·

Just to say that it works, the keep-alive is the point. I added --keep-alive 0 in /service/dbus-mqtt/run file

this is very convenient for preparing dashboards when away from the system (currently not onboard of the boat)

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elvis avatar image elvis commented ·


You added --keep-alive 0 to what exactly?

Is it an argument to the end of the command in that file?

on a line by itself?

Thanks :-)

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gone-sailing avatar image
gone-sailing answered ·

MQTT does work in demo mode on the v2.84 OS I am running. Why are you still running 2.66? If you are going to using MQTT I strongly recommend you read the dbus-Mqtt page, in particular the sections on read requests and keep alive.

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