
nexus avatar image
nexus asked

BMV 600 showing high variance in consumption

My BMV 600 is showing consumption jumping from up and down around 10 amps within seconds. Even after after having used the "Zero" command and before connecting any load it jumps up and down. I have tried resetting to catory defaults, but that doesn't seem to help. Problems occurred after installing extra battery pack for a bowthruster that is linked to the main battery pack through a Citrix Battery Combiner on the plus side. I'm wondering if this disturbs the readings?

I already checked the thread "BMV-600s showing impossible high consumption" but the steps proposed there did not solve my issue.

Any Suggestion or do I simply need a new shunt?

Thanks in advance


BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This seems like a loose connection somewhere. Something could have been disturbed during the changes.

Likely places to check would be the main negative terminals of the shunt and battery negative.
Also try to check and re-seat the RJ12 connection to the shunt and to the BMV its self.

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nexus avatar image nexus commented ·

Thanks - I have disconnected and reconnected several times, but still the same issue. Is it highly unlikely that the shunt is faulty? Anyway I'll try resetting it with a new negative connection from the battery.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ nexus commented ·

It can also be a problem with the shunt or the BMV itself but in that case there is not much you can do. The BMV 600 is EOL for many years.

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