
timh avatar image
timh asked

CCGX Color not showing Solar Input in home page


My CCGX Color has stopped showing the solar input on the home screen although the daily history is updating ok. The orange box is there and I can see the batteries are being charged from their voltage. The firmware is 2.11, I have rebooted several times but no change. It is connected to a Quattro 10000 by VE Bus and a Victron MPPT 150-35 by VE Direct. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

B Rgds Tim

CCGX Color Control
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3 Answers
michael2019 avatar image
michael2019 answered ·

Have you been seeing the PV Inverter power before?

Or it is a new installation that you need the procedures on how to make the PV Power parameters show on the CCGX homepage?

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timh avatar image
timh answered ·

No Its an existing installation and was working fine until recently

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michael2019 avatar image michael2019 commented ·

@timh First, ensure both color control GX and your PV inverter are connected to the same wireless or ethernet network. Kindly go to settings on the color control, go to PV inverter, open detected IP and rescan. Or click find PV Inverter to scan. Then go to inverters click on it and change the position to output as shown in the pictures. Go back to the homepage to confirm the PV inverter visibility





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timh avatar image timh commented ·

Hi Micheal,

The Mppt is connected to the CCGX by VE direct cable and is showing up in daily history but permanently showing 0W on the home screen

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You say the orange PV Charger box is present, so what's not showing? Is the box not showing power?

Also check the device list to see if the MPPT is there and reporting information.

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timh avatar image timh commented ·

Its receiving info from the MPPT as the daily history is updating, But it says 0W on the home page

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