
v7sport73 avatar image
v7sport73 asked

New MultiPlus 12V/3VA/2 X 120V

Hi, I'm located in the USA. I just purchased a new Multiplus II 12V/3KVA/ 2 X 120 that is supposed to operate on both legs of a single-phase electrical supply. It shows on the electrical flow chart as a direct pass through from the electrical supply on L1 and L2. I can only get the inverter to see L1. There is no L2 showing on any of the software. When operating the inverter, it will only pull power from L1. I am currently only using my generator which is an Onan 7000 watt. I have checked and I have everything connected correctly. It will pull 30 amps off just one leg of my generator. I need it to pull off both L1 and L2. I’m not sure if I have the setting wrong or don’t have the correct software to operate the inverter correctly. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

This new model has just one 120 volt inverter. The switching arrangement allows that inverter to feed both legs of the load when the AC input is not used or present, and to pass through both legs of the split-phase input. However the inverter/charger core only connects to the L1 input. There is power assist only on L1 also.

A full-up split-phase solution requires a separate inverter on each Leg.

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