
svalvasori avatar image
svalvasori asked

Cerbo Temperature Sensor Range

What is the maximum temperature the Cerbo will read with the required sensor? I want to measure shaft (~100-115 deg F) and engine temperature (180 deg F)?

cerbo gx
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3 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @svalvasori,

the temperature range for the sensor (LM335) is specified as from -40°C up to 100°C.

LM335 Data Sheet

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Matthew Hennigar avatar image
Matthew Hennigar answered ·

Hi Victron... Have you considered offering a min temperature range of minus 40c on the cerbo gx? The sensor is good to that min temperature however cerbo gx reports an error below minus 20c. This is incredibly inconvenient when trying to use a cerbo GX to monitor the freezer temperature at my off-grid cabin.. it trips the alarm when the temperature drops below minus 20. Rendering the alarm function useless

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Good suggestion @mhennigar

The change has been made and included in Venus beta v3.10~7 for testing.

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Hi @mhennigar,

I've passed on the suggestion, thanks for making it.

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Matthew Hennigar avatar image
Matthew Hennigar answered ·

outstanding both in response and in turnaround time. Thanks!! You're not like most hardware vendors.

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