
popeyesfx avatar image
popeyesfx asked

Smart Shunt and BLE


I am looking for a smart shunt that bluetooth capabilites and would like to know how well the vVctron unit performs.

I have used a BM1 and the bluetooth is very patchy, and I am looking to replace it with a unit that has better ble performance.

Also, does the smart shunt have any docs for its comms protocol. I have monitor software running on a raspberry pi that connects to the BM1 and would like to use it to communicate with the the smart shunt if possible.

cheers in advance


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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @popeyesfx,

bluetooth on the Smart Shunt is as good as with the BMV-712. I cannot see any difference.

There is a VE.Direct Protocol FAQ document, which covers all of the comms between VE.Direct and a serial interface (RS232, USB). If you're using a Raspberry Pi with Venus OS (recommend Venus OS large incl. Signal K and Node-RED, it's more or less plug and play via a VE.Direct to USB Interface.

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popeyesfx avatar image popeyesfx commented ·

Thanks for the answer, nat familiar with the BMV-712, will have to look that up.

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