
Deutch avatar image
Deutch asked

Sizing of PV power and PV inverter in AC coupling systems

Hello everyone, I'm working on the solar project and as my clIient is a bank I choose an AC coupling system.The problem is that with 1:1 rule, the energy of solar panels does not correspond to the energy demand.can I oversize the PV power of PV inverter?This will not creat a imbalance in the system    
as explained by the document attached?Thank you in advance
AC PV Coupling
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Deutch avatar image Deutch commented ·
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


From what I understand the sizing is to do with the inverters themselves when referring to the 1:1 so if is is a 5kva multi and 5 kva fronius (as an example) the standard is met.

However the fronius does allow over panel in sizing up to 50% and this is fine as the inverter will only ever produce it's max rated output of 5kva as that is all it can do.

The advantage as you mentioned for over sizing arrays is for the low irradiation conditions to help with meeting energy demands. But the inverter can only output 5kva or whatever it's size is.

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Deutch avatar image Deutch Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thank you very much Alexandra.

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