
prompt2k2 avatar image
prompt2k2 asked

How to download data from multiple installations through API call.

So, I work for a utility company, and we have over 500 VRM installations. I need to download their diagnostic and system overview data containing Gateways other parameters in Json format. I know I can download for individual sites, but that would be a lot of work. Is there a way to download the data for all the sites using{idSite}/diagnostics?count=1000.

Using side ID {idSite} means I'm downloading a single site endpoint, but I need to download all 500 endpoints.

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1 Answer
Teun Lassche avatar image
Teun Lassche answered ·

Hi @prompt2k2,

I've sent you an e-mail

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olu avatar image olu commented ·

Hi @Teun Lassche (Victron Energy Staff) I also have the same issue, I'd love to also have a solution to this. Also, is there a way to select specific columns to get?Thank you.

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