
batterie-strom-waerme-gmbh avatar image
batterie-strom-waerme-gmbh asked

Can I connect more than one VE Direct to USB via a USB hub?

CCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Batterie Strom Waerme GmbH,

yes. As much as the GX device is capable of handling. See GX device documentation.

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

captainpalapa avatar image captainpalapa commented ·

I have some questions about this. I attempted to reference these two documents:


But they didn't answer my questions.

I have a Color CCGX (Retail) Sticker shows v2.11

I have 2x 100/50 MPPT (currently) connected via VE.Direct, using both the CCGX slots.

I believe my Multiplus is connected via one of the two USB Ports with a VE.Direct to USB Adapter.

I'm in a position to need to be able to add two different wattage solar panels (a 350w and a 400w), so I would just purchase two more MPPT, rather than lose power off either. However, to connect these to the CCGX, right, is to use a USB Hub with VS.Direct/USB adapters to the USB hub and then a single connection from the hub to the CCGX.

I'm not clear on whether or not the Color CCGX would accept the USB hub connection, if there are particular details I need to know about doing so, and if 4xMPPT would exceed the limit of the Color CCGX support.

Notes: 12v system. 4x190w panels on roof, 2x each to an MPPT 100/50. New MPPT would be 100/30. (I already have one, not yet installed, didn't expect to have yet another solar panel available.)


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victron-ccgx-back.jpg (736.2 KiB)
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ captainpalapa commented ·

You MultiPlus is connected to VE.Bus.

What is connected via to USB converter?

Why you want to switch the two connections to a to USB converter? Just let them connected there and only use the USB hub for the new one.

The CCGX isn't very powerful you will notice a bad performance if you add more devices.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL captainpalapa commented ·

Hi see this comparison view for specs on the ccgx, max ve direct devices is 5, direct and with usb hub, so you can add another 2 not 4… ( you already use 3 i understood)

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captainpalapa avatar image captainpalapa Duivert NL commented ·
@duivert Sorry, you said "another 2, not 4" and I realized I might not have clarified very well.

I intended to take the 2 existing MPPT and the 2 news ones I'll add, and connect all four to this gizmo and then run a single USB up to the CCGX. That will use only one USB plug, and remove the TWO (shown) VE.Direct connections. So, there would be the current (adapter) USB (which I think is the Multi-Plus (maybe the BMV), and then another USB connection with the four MPPTs via the "gizmo" linked above.

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Al avatar image Al captainpalapa commented ·
That will work fine, I have done it when I had a CCGX. You may want to make sure the USB hub is good quality and powered if it will be over a few metres away or you will connect a few devices on it. Just remember to get the JST PH to JST XH adaptor cables as the Duppa board doesn't have the same connections to use your old Ve.Direct cables.
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captainpalapa avatar image captainpalapa Al commented ·

I got the connectors like this for max flexibility: 1714164572722.png

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1714164572722.png (60.8 KiB)
Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL captainpalapa commented ·
Yes i misunderstood that!

As long as the total is max 5 (no matter how you connect them) your fine

As Al said, use a good quality powered hub!

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captainpalapa avatar image captainpalapa Duivert NL commented ·
Thanks @Al and @duivert
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